Clogwyn Y Grochan
Clogwyn Y Grochan or the Grochan as most locals refer to it is the easiest of the Llanberis Pass cliff to access. Within minutes of leaving the car you are at the base of a route. Although the climbing really starts at VS, unless you avoid the top pitch of Nea which reduces this to a very pleasant Hard Severe. Above the VS grade the classics are plentiful and you will regularly find the locals here after work from when the clocks jump forward and then fall back again in the autumn.
There are so many testpieces across the grade here, as well as sandbags. Just try Brant Direct HVS, Slape Direct E1 and Quasar E3 to see what I mean. Although there are some great go to fitness acid tests that see locals doing their yearly laps of like SS Special, Stroll On, Wind and many other of the fine routes here. The good thing here is when the going gets tough on a route the rock often provides some great protection.
Photo From Crag
Llion Morris eyeing up the traverse on Karwendal Wall, Clogwyn Y Grouchan.
Jack Geldard climbing the classic Brant on CLogwyn Y Grochan.
Rocio Seimens on Leftover a rather desperate and difficult to read E2.
Mark Walker climbing an out of condition Quasar, a E3 with a rediculous boulder problem crux right at the top!
Nick Colton on Slape Direct a tricky E1 that see’;s a lot of falls!
Only the best guide to North Wales Climbs ever!!!!
Rocio Samuels on Leftover, E2 Clogwyn Y Grouchan.
SS Special, a fantastic E2 that is a game of three halves. A slab technical crack, a spooky wall and a fierce pull round a lip.
The amazing Clogwyn Y Grouchan.
The amazing Brant Direct a stubborn climb on first acquaintance but after a few laps you realise that whilst it is strenuous in places nearly every other move is a hands off rest.
Simon Lake on Wind, Clogwyn Y Grouchan