Chulilla Sports Climbing Holiday

Chulilla Sports Climbing Holiday
Chulilla is a small but important sports climbing area in the Valencia region of Spain, it is an increasingly popular area to head on holiday. It’s main appeal is soft grade and a who host of 7th grade climbing. However, Chulilla is also a beautiful place to climb with some really spectacular routes in the 6th grade as well.

Having climbed here last year we feel that for certain clients then Chulilla will be a fantastic opportunity for them to have a Sports Climbing Holiday aimed at getting them to redpoint their first 7th grade routes. With this in mind, we really do recommend that people looking at this particular holiday are climbing at least 6b sport. This is because without climbing at this level the climbing will just be too hard.

The result is this really is a holiday for those wishing to focus on performance. With it comes some of the best opportunities for our coaches to help you reach your true potential by helping you warm up and focus on redpoint routes at your limit.

If this is not your idea of fun then we can recommend any of our other Spanish Sport climbing holidays like Madrid, Chodes and Calcena, Picos Du Europa and of course the ever popular Costa Blanca.

This course is based on staying in the Refugio Altico, which sits on the rim of the canyon looking over the most popular climbing areas and is self-catering.

So if you want some personalised coaching to help you climb into the 7th grade then we recommend this sport climbing holiday to Chililla.


Prior Experience: Leading Sport 6b to 6c minimum
Duration: 7 Day
Cost: £800
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Course Start Dates:
February 16, 2019
  • NB: We can arrange course dates to meet your requirements.

  • To book, find out more or to arrange an alternative date email us here.
    …or call us on 07872565225

    Photos from Previous Courses

    The amazing Clogwyn Y Grouchan.

    The amazing Clogwyn Y Grouchan.

    Gareth leading out across the exposed traverse of Valerie's Rib.

    Gareth leading out across the exposed traverse of Valerie's Rib.

    Jesse King climbing the third ptich of the South Face of the Naranga Dek Bulnes whilst having some lead climb coaching.

    Jesse King climbing the third ptich of the South Face of the Naranga Dek Bulnes whilst having some lead climb coaching.

    Dave Rudkin eyeing up the final move on Horse LAtitudes a classic 6a+ sport route. Rainbow Walls.

    Dave Rudkin eyeing up the final move on Horse LAtitudes a classic 6a+ sport route. Rainbow Walls.

    Tash climbing on Toix Oeste

    Tash climbing on Toix Oeste

    A climber starts up the classic E1, Seams the Same in the Dinorwic Slate Quarries.

    A climber starts up the classic E1, Seams the Same in the Dinorwic Slate Quarries.

    The Classic hand-traverse pitch on the Direct Route on Dinas Mot, one of the finest lines in the Valley.

    The Classic hand-traverse pitch on the Direct Route on Dinas Mot, one of the finest lines in the Valley.

    More amazing climbing at Sennen Cove

    More amazing climbing at Sennen Cove