Lotus Flower Tower Expeditions

Lotus Flower Tower Expeditions
Have you dreamt of big wall free climbing? If so then our Lotus Flower Tower Expedition is probably one of the greatest climbing trips in the world. 

Many years ago I was lucky enough to travel to a remote part of Canada and climb a route called the Lotus Flower Tower. Set in the impressive Cirque of the Unclimbables the Lotus Flower Tower is one of the most amazing free climbs in the world. It is also one of the hardest to get to. What we are offering here is a fully guided Lotus Flower Tower Expedition.

In terms of difficulty the route has an E2/3 pitch but in general the climbing s HVS or below. As such it is well within the realms of most climbers to attain this isolated summit via 17 pitches of rock climbing. With the option to camp out on the face on a large central ledge. As such this offers up the realms of big wall free climbing to so many people.

What we offer is a guided service whereby we arrange the transport from Whitehorse to the Cirque and then guide you up the Lotus Flower Tower and at the same time take any further chance we have to ascend the neighbouring peaks.

This is not a cheap trip and will cost in the region of £5000 for an individual, we can guide two to four people up this route with up to two guides coming along to ensure your safety with a 1 to 2 person ratio at all times. As such if you can get a few friends together then this really could be the adventure of a lifetime.

Lotus Flower Tower topo

The climbing in the area is some of the most amazing granite you will ever encounter, its remotest adds the amazing sense of place. During our last expedition, we also managed to fit in a new route on a neighbouring peak. We did have the luxury of a month. We would suggest a minimum of two weeks in order to get a weather window for the Lotus Flower Tower. The ideal time is May through to July, when you can expect warm days.

Prior Experience: Climb up to E2
Duration: 14 Day
Cost: £P.O.A
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Course Start Dates:
  • NB: We can arrange course dates to meet your requirements.

  • To book, find out more or to arrange an alternative date email us here.
    …or call us on 07872565225

    Photos from Previous Courses

    Our remote basecamp in teh Kitchatna Spires, no one for miles except us and our new route Groundhog Day AK, E3/A1 in the background.

    Our remote basecamp in teh Kitchatna Spires, no one for miles except us and our new route Groundhog Day AK, E3/A1 in the background.

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    Learning to Aid Climb at the Beacon Climbing Centre.

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