Fast Track Instructor Scheme

Fast Track Instructor Scheme
We are offering a unique year-long fast track instructor training scheme in rock climbing and mountain leadership, aimed at getting you qualified as a rock climbing instructor/coach and mountain leader. By the end of the course, you will be employable in the field with a who host of personal and professional experience. So don’t waste two more years and thousands of pounds on a degree course, come to us and get qualified and employed.

This Fast Track Instructor Scheme in Rock Climbing and Mountain leadership runs over 30 weeks of the year and has an average of 4 days contact time a week with one of our instructors or teaching team. Over those 120 days, we will develop you as a proficient rock climber and mountaineer to get you to the required level to register and attend you Climbing Wall Instructor, Foundation Coach, Rock Climbing Instructor Award and Summer Mountain Leader courses.

We will work with you closely on low ratio courses to help you reach and exceed the required level for your assessments. Both in terms of personal development and professional experience. We do this through a variety of internal and external courses aimed at developing the very best climbing coaches and mountain leaders. The course is non-residential and based in the heart of UK trad climbing and mountaineering, North Wales. 

As part of the course, we also aim to visit The Peak District, Scotland, Lake District, The South West and Spain, where we will provide either tented or self-catering accommodation. This will allow us to offer a year-round rock climbing and mountaineering opportunities.

We also offer the added benefit of teaching some of the softer skills of teaching, coaching and instruction on the course. Skills like Reflective Practice, Goalsetting, Giving and Receiving Feedback, Decision Making, Emotional Intelligence, Pedagogy (Teaching and Learning), Legal and Moral aspects of coaching and Environmental Knowledge. All key skills that help make you a great outdoor instructor.

Why Choose Our Instructor Training Course?

  • Guaranteed low ratios max of 1 to 4.
  • NGB Qualification included – CWI, RCI, ML (Summer), Foundation Coach
  • 4 Days a week contact time over 30 weeks
  • Amazing locations for climbing and mountaineering
  • Personalised programmes and mentoring
  • Expert tuition from the UK’s leading coaches and instructors 
  • Supervised Teaching and Coaching Experience

What is Included in the course

  • CWI Training and Assessment
  • RCI Training and Assessment
  • Fundas 1 & 2
  • ML Training and Assessment
  • Foundation Coach Training and Assessment
  • REC First Aid Course.
  • 2 Weeks Self Cater Trip to Scotland/Lake
  • 2 Weeks Self Cater Trip to Peak/South West
  • 10 Day Self Catering Trip to Spain
  • Transport to and from days activities
  • 120 days contact time with expert coaches and instructors 

* The NGB award course will be outsourced to a Snowdonia based Mountain Training course providers nearer the time. 

What is not included

  • Accommodation and food when based in Snowdonia
  • Food when away from Snowdonia
  • Flights to Spain
  • Transport whilst on NGB award courses
  • Personal Outdoor Equipment – Although we can probably help you get discounts in local outdoor stores.

Fast Track Instructor Scheme – Draft Program 2018 -19

Please check out our draft course program for the 30-week course in the PDF below.

Fast Track Instructor Scheme: Rock & Mountain Draft Course Diary 2018-19

Prior Experience: A desire to work in the outdoors
Duration: 120 day
Cost: £15000
Processing ...

Course Start Dates:
September 28, 2020
  • NB: We can arrange course dates to meet your requirements.

  • To book, find out more or to arrange an alternative date email us here.
    …or call us on 07872565225

    Photos from Previous Courses

    Setting up your harness for aid climbing from the Climber Magazine Article on How to Big Wall by Snowodnia Mountain Guides head coach Mark Reves

    Setting up your harness for aid climbing from the Climber Magazine Article on How to Big Wall by Snowodnia Mountain Guides head coach Mark Reves

    Simon Lake on the awesome Mumbo Jumbo, 6a+ Great Ormes

    Simon Lake on the awesome Mumbo Jumbo, 6a+ Great Ormes

    Steve Sinfield climbing the initial damp grooves pitches on the amazing 17 pitch remote wall the Lotus Flower Tower in the Cirque of the Unclimbables. In order to fix a rope to allow a speedy blast off.

    Steve Sinfield climbing the initial damp grooves pitches on the amazing 17 pitch remote wall the Lotus Flower Tower in the Cirque of the Unclimbables. In order to fix a rope to allow a speedy blast off.

    A climber tackles the amazing 7a in the Hermoda Cave, steep and commiting in places the route is spectacular.

    A climber tackles the amazing 7a in the Hermoda Cave, steep and commiting in places the route is spectacular.

    Simon Lake cruising up a rather strange 6a on Ayers Rock

    Simon Lake cruising up a rather strange 6a on Ayers Rock

    Low level Walking around Cwm Idwal

    Low level Walking around Cwm Idwal

    Josh Douglas on the short chimney section of pitch one of a Hard Severe that spirtals its way up a limestone tower in the High Picos Du Europa.

    Josh Douglas on the short chimney section of pitch one of a Hard Severe that spirtals its way up a limestone tower in the High Picos Du Europa.

    The steep side of Mynyndd Mawr

    The steep side of Mynyndd Mawr