Part-time fast track instructor scheme

Part-time fast track instructor scheme
This fast track instructor scheme that occurs predominantly over long weekends to minimise time off. In essence, we want to give you the chance to develop the skills and gain the mountain based qualifications you will need to start a career in the outdoor and adventure tourism industry.  

This course is a part-time non-residential route to becoming a mountain based instructor. If you want to break into the industry and want a helping hand to guide you through the qualification process then this is the course for you. Snowdonia Mountain Guides offer a part-time solution to the fast-track scheme. Where over the course of 6 months we work with you to develop your personal climbing, hillwalking and scrambling to a level suitable for attending the NGB award courses (SPA and ML-summer). We will then work with you to provide further training and development to help you attain the level required for your assessments.

Snowdonia Mountain Guides is run by Mark Reeves a highly experienced Mountaineering Instructor who has worked on various NGB award courses. As well as worked extensively throughout the various sectors of the industry. From training and assessing the instructors of the future to using the outdoors for educational purposes. As such Mark has a wealth of knowledge to help guide you through the skills you need to develop to gain the entry-level qualifications. Mark also has an MSc in Applied Sports Science with effective coaching and the course includes not both the hard skills of managing group in a mountain environment and the use of effective coaching methods to teach skills like navigation, climbing and other educational outcomes.

How Does the Course Work?

The course starts with an application to attend the course, we need to do this to vet that you are a suitable candidate. We will then work with you as either a group or an individual to get you ready for various NGB award courses.

This is achieved by two five day course

  1. Hillwalking – Basic Nav, Route finding and Steep Ground work aimed at getting Logbook days to register on ML
  2. Climbing – Basic Lead Climb Coaching aimed at getting logbook days for registering on SPA.

We will then work over the weekend to develop your logbook and skills to attend the NGB training courses, we aim to do this as soon as is possible with each candidate.

  1. ML Training Course – 6 days
  2. SPA Training COurse – 2 Day
  3. CWA – Training – This is optional

Again, we will work with you to consolidate the skills you need to attend as a pass the ML and SPA assessment. This may include direct contact with Coaches from Snowdonia mountain guides or we might book you onto other courses like BMC fundamentals and Coaching Award courses. Both of which are covered in the cost of the course.

The final Part of the course is attending the assessments

  1. ML Assessment – 5 days
  2. SPA Assessment – 2 Days

All told you will have a total of 56 days contact with an independent trainer/assessor or with a coach from Snowdonia Mountain Guides via a timetable that will be set up for you during the second week of the initial training course. After this timetable is set it may not be possible to change the dates due to other work commitments.

We do hope that anyone on the scheme will also reach a level that we can offer a supervised experience of working with a real group via our mentorship program.

Prior Experience: Some Hillwalking and Climbing Experience
Duration: 56 Day
Cost: £7000
Processing ...

Course Start Dates:
April 7, 2018
  • NB: We can arrange course dates to meet your requirements.

  • To book, find out more or to arrange an alternative date email us here.
    …or call us on 07872565225

    Photos from Previous Courses

    Learning to Haul on our Big Wal Climbing Courses

    Learning to Haul on our Big Wal Climbing Courses

    Andrew at Bosigran, West Penrith, Cornwall

    Andrew at Bosigran, West Penrith, Cornwall

    Ollie Cain lowers off the steep Muscle Beach, 8a at LPT. Great Ormes.

    Ollie Cain lowers off the steep Muscle Beach, 8a at LPT. Great Ormes.

    Calum Muskett run-out on the rainbow slab!

    Calum Muskett run-out on the rainbow slab!

    Warming up on a pleasant 6a at Cabadas in the Picos De Europa.

    Warming up on a pleasant 6a at Cabadas in the Picos De Europa.

    Simon Lake reaching the crux of Webby's Downfall, during the first ascent.

    Simon Lake reaching the crux of Webby's Downfall, during the first ascent.

    Jez Brown following me up the top pitch of Cream, E4 6a

    Jez Brown following me up the top pitch of Cream, E4 6a

    James comes along for occasional coaching and instruction with his father. We first met on a winter skills course, James is no a pretty accomplished rock climber. Here showing his dad the way on Looning the Tube.

    James comes along for occasional coaching and instruction with his father. We first met on a winter skills course, James is no a pretty accomplished rock climber. Here showing his dad the way on Looning the Tube.